Guanajuato Chapter León, Gto.

Dissemination of Knowledge in International Trade and Sustainability
The U.S. Mexico Chamber of Commerce Guanajuato Chapter has focused its activities on two main topics: international trade and sustainability. The chapter plans to advise, train and create business strategies that produce more profitability, more competitivness, and a more friendly business environment—especially for labor leaders in the two countries—for both of these issues.
The chapter’s efforts in achieving these objectives began with two fórums:

July 13, 2016
Third International Forum on Sustainability and Social Responsibility
This forum —the third on this topic—aimed to establish the event as an important resource to introduce participants to practices and opportunities that the business sector and communities can develop and implement for eco-efficiency and sustainability.

The event was attended by 160 people from more than 60 companies. The topics covered included: creation of shared values by Nestle, Mexico; sustainable housing by Mazda and Beneficiadora de Alambres; how to communicate sustainability and social responsibility by MVS Radio; water and the business sector by Heineken and Guanajuato state water commission; mobility and its relationship to the environment by Proyecta Vitrans; and sustainable projects for the state of Guanajuato by the state’s secretary of economic development.

June 14, 2016
First Guanajuato International Trade Forum and Delivery of Awards to the Internalization
The main goal of this forum was to update the attendees about the priority issues in international trade and help them develop and implement tools and strategies in their companies to achieve the most effective ways to reach their goals.

The chapter brought together nationally and internationally recognized experts who shared their experiences and knowledge. The forum was attended by the mayor of the city of Leon, Héctor Lopez; president of the Guanajuato chapter, Antonio Vargas; president of CONCAMIN Bajio, Ricardo Alaniz; the CEO of COFOCE, Luis Rojas; the director of International Trade in KPMG, Cesar Buenrostro; assistant director of Customs of Guanajuato, Cesar Buenrostro; USMCOC vice-president, Francisco Catellanos; and the director of graduate at De la Salle University Bajio, Patricia Villasana. Joseph Chapa was also honored by being appointed Honorary President of Chapter Guanajuato.



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