Like the United States, Mexico is experiencing a major manufacturing renaissance. This resurgence may represent a significant opportunity for Illinois manufacturers. The Illinois Manufacturer’s Association (IMA) and the U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce joined efforts to present a half-day conference focused on topics that IMA and chamber members indicated were important to them.

Amalia Rioja of Baker & McKenzie, moderated a panel on legal issues. Included on the panel were several legal and accounting experts: Scott Sneckenberger, CPA and partner with Plante Moran PLLC; Margarita Escalante, an associate with the lawfirm Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, PLC; Martin Caro, Promexico; Tania Terrazas, an associate with Littler Mendelson P.C. , and Hugo Dubovoy, partner, Baker & McKenzie.

Among the expansive list of topics discussed were: Mexico’s legal framework for doing business; legal aspects of transacting business with Mexican entities; how to set up operations; key issues, challenges and mistakes of doing business; the fiscal framework; new tax developments in 2015; latest news regarding electronic invoicing; VAT Certification renovation for IMMEX companies; labor law differences; and key considerations.

Another panel discussed supply chain challenges, opportunities and developments in logistics and the supply chain, manufacturing advantages, infrastructure and competitiveness, sourcing and supplier development programs. Panelists were Diego de la Garza, senior product manager, Source One; Jeff Jorge, principle at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP; Haydn Powell, global supply chain manager at Caterpillar Inc.; and Carlos Estrella, supply chain director at Navistar Inc. The panel was moderated by Richard Roche of Supply Chain Blueprint.
Following the panels, participants engaged in a lively and beneficial Q&A session with knowledgeable and experienced presenters.

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