Albert Zapanta, president and CEO U.S.-Mexico chamber of Commerce.

Mid-America Chapter Chicago, IL

The Mid-America Chapter hosted a luncheon and panel discussion with Mexico’s Secretary of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal at the Union League Club of Chicago on May 31.

Secretary Guajardo addressed about 130 business leaders and guests during the panel discussion, emphasizing the business opportunities and the benefits from the more than 20 years NAFTA has provided to Mexico and the United States—especially to Illinois.

The panel was moderated by chapter president Gery Chico. The panelists were Paul Hetterich, president of the Beer Division of Constellation Brands; Bernardo Ayala, vice president of marketing and sales for Union Pacific; and Lorraine Hawley with international affairs of Archer Daniel Midland.

The secretary noted the importance of the partnership that exists between the country and the Mexican community in Chicago. He encouraged businesses to double their efforts in promoting Mexico’s image as a strategic partner that contributes to global economic growth in the decades to come. He stated, “This type of contact was necessary for the important businesses that reside in Chicago and for the positive impact that the productive integration has had in North America.”

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