Internationalization and Globalization Conference

The Chapter sponsored a conference on internationalization featuring Miguel Ángel Leaman Rivas, executive director of Internationalization Projects of Mexican Companies (Export Promotion Unit, EPU) ProMexico. He defined internationalization as the growing communication and interdependence between the different countries across the globe to unite their markets, societies and cultures. Leaman explained that, through the network of free trade agreements, there are great opportunities abroad for Mexican companies. He invited those present to begin any export development process by arming their personnel with information, advice, training and technology. Additionally, he noted that during the process, companies must investigate the potential for a product by exploring the market, as well as the commercial opportunities. He suggested participating in international fairs as a marketing tool as they are a great commercial showcase and a simple way to access markets, others’ products and services in a cost-effective manner. The speaker concluded by urging participants to take advantage of the support and networks they have at their disposal—public, private, nonprofit and international groups and organizations; entities such as ProMéxico, SE, Inadem, IMPI, embassies and Consulates of Mexico abroad, Sagarpa, embassies of other countries in Mexico, international trade promotion organizations, ITC and USMCOC’s binational trade chambers and partners.

Exporting to the United States

Mexico’s bilateral relationship with the United States is critical for the country because of the geographical position and the strong trade ties that have been enhanced since the signing of NAFTA. The United States has established itself as the first trading partner for Mexico, while Mexico is the third largest trading partner in the United States. Considering the importance of this business relationship, Rocío Martínez, business development manager with the customs agency TIBA de México, together with Eddy Tamez and Rocío Peralda from Laredo Customs, and Rubén Mora from the Latin American area of the same company, held a conference for the members of the Valle de Mexico Chapter.

The speakers informed the participants about the regulations, restrictions and prohibitions of some export products, showing them a broad picture of the processes and costs of entering into the American market.

Both advantages and disadvantages of export and import between the U.S. and Mexico were analyzed. The panelists detailed the international rules governed by the International Chamber of Commerce that determine the scope of the commercial clauses included in the international sales contracts.

Afterward, Chapter members stated that the information shared by the speakers will be useful to them as they consider exporting their products to the neighboring country.


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